Statute - Taijiquan

la ruota del dharma
Tai Ji Quan
Tai Ji Quan
Tai Ji Quan
Tai Ji Quan
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the Association

Art. 1 Constitution and Seat

Based on article 18 of the Italian Constitution and of the art. 36, 37, 38 of the civil code is constituted the sports association called: "Taijiquan Samsara Amateur Sports Association" based in Turin.

Art. 2 Purposes and purposes

The Taijiquan Samsara amateur sports association, hereinafter referred to as "the Association", is inspired by the principles of solidarity, ecology and pluralism in full respect of the freedom and dignity of its associates, is non-profit and inspired by principles of democracy and of equal opportunities of all the associates and operates within the framework of national and regional laws on sports associations, collaborating with other sports experiences, social forces and institutions to improve regulations and public interventions on sports.

The Association undertakes to respect and observe the Statute and the Regulations of the Sports Promotion Body and / or of the Associated Disciplines and National Sports Federations recognized by CONI which it intends to join.

The Association aims to contribute to the study, research, development and teaching of traditional psychophysical techniques, with particular regard to martial arts and massage techniques (by way of example but not limited to: Tai Chi Chuan, Ju Jutzu, Shiatsu, Yoga) applying the theories and practices of eastern and western origin most suited to the physical, mental, social and environmental health of man and to develop, promote, coordinate initiatives to meet the needs of amateur motor sports activities of all, men and women of all ages, social conditions and nationalities, with particular attention to workers, to people most exposed to risks of physical and social marginalization and to their families.

For the human and social growth of its members, the Association will be able to promote and manage cultural, recreational, educational and training activities, including educational activities for starting and perfecting sports activities and respecting their educational task by promoting a community experience aimed at maturing the personality.

The Association undertakes to exercise its activity with loyalty by observing the principles and rules of sport in order to safeguard the educational, popular, social and cultural function of sport.

Art. 3 Duration

The duration of the association is unlimited and the same can be dissolved only by resolution of the extraordinary assembly of the associates.

Art. 4 Associates

All citizens who request it can be considered as associates and that upon payment of the membership fee share the purposes but the temporary nature of the associative life is expressly forbidden.

Applications for membership must be addressed to the Board of Directors on a specific form and acceptance of registration will entitle the holder to receive a social card.

It is the duty of the Executive Council to ratify this admission within 30 days. If the application is rejected, the interested party may lodge an appeal on which the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting will be pronounced in its first call.

The associates have the right to attend the premises of the Association and to participate in all the events held by it.

The associates have the right to active and passive electorate and are eligible for corporate offices as long as they have no criminal convictions for unresolved crimes of imprisonment of more than one year, or penalties that involve disqualification from public offices for a period exceeding one year and who have not reported in the last decade, except for rehabilitation, disqualifications or inhibitions altogether greater than one year, furthermore that they have not suffered sanctions for suspension of sports activities following the use of substances and methods that alter the natural physical performance in sports activities.

For those positions that involve civil or third-party liability, only members who have reached the age of majority are eligible.

Members are required to pay the social card or any monthly contributions or other periodicity in relation to the activity of the sports association, the membership card and the fees paid are not transferable or revaluable.

The associates are also required to observe the statute, any internal regulations and the resolutions taken by the corporate bodies and any additions to the social security fund through payments of extraordinary installments if the need arises.

The loss of status of associate or suspension, expulsion or cancellation may occur if the provisions of this statute and / or other resolutions adopted by the corporate bodies are not complied with, if they become delinquent in the payment of the membership fee without justified reason and if they cause moral and material damage to the association itself.

Against suspension, expulsion or expulsion the associates can resort in the first instance to the Assembly of Associates and secondly to the CONI Justice Bodies.

Art. 5 Bodies of the association

The bodies of the sports association are:

  The Assembly of Associates
  The Board of Directors

Art. 6 Assembly of members

The assembly of the members is the sovereign organ of the Association and is constituted with deliberative vote of the members in good standing with the payment of the associative quotas and that they don't have in progress disciplinary sanctions.

It is convened by the Board of Directors, ordinarily at least once a year, and on an extraordinary basis if requested by at least one third of the members.

The convocation must take place at least ten days before the meeting takes place and must be posted at the venue and / or communicated to the associates by registered letter, ordinary or certified electronic mail, sms or other means that allows suitable publicity and must indicate the date and the place of the meeting of the first or second call, separated by at least an hour, the topics on the agenda and the work schedule.

The Assembly deliberates on the programmatic addresses and verifies the implementation by the Board of Directors, annually approves the final financial statement and the budget statement, makes changes to the statute and approves any internal regulations.

On expiry of the mandate and in the event of resignation or forfeiture of the President or the Board of Directors, it is called to the ODG:

Election of the President
Determination of the composition of the Board of Directors based on the specific characteristics of the Association
Election, on the proposal of the President, of one or more Vice Presidents and of the other members of the Executive Council, bearing in mind that the responsibilities of the organization and administration must be attributed.

The resolutions of the Assembly must be brought to the attention of the associates with the same procedures provided for its call.

Art. 7 Ordinary and extraordinary meeting

The ordinary assembly is validly constituted on first call with the presence of at least two thirds of the members having the right to vote and deliberates validly with a favorable vote of the majority of those present (each member has the right to one vote) while the extraordinary meeting is validly constituted on first call with the presence of an absolute majority of the associates and deliberates with the favorable vote of the majority of those present.

On second call, both the ordinary and the extraordinary shareholders' meetings will be validly constituted regardless of the number of members present and deliberates with the vote of those present.

The extraordinary meeting must be convened by the Board of Directors at least 15 days before the meeting and resolves on the following subjects: approval and amendment of the articles of association, deeds and contracts relating to real estate rights, dissolution of the association and liquidation procedures.

Art. 8 Board of Directors

The Executive Council is the executive body of the sports association and is composed of a minimum of three to a maximum of five members and develops the program established by the Assembly of members.

The meetings of the Board of Directors are called and chaired by the President and are valid with the presence of the majority of its members.

The Board of Directors holds office for 4 years with re-elected offices, but lapses if, due to resignations or other reasons, the majority of the members are missing.

In the absence of one or more members of the Board, they are replaced by co-option, with their own resolution. If the majority of the members is no longer in office, those remaining in office must convene the assembly to provide for the replacement of the vacant positions and on the proposal of the President proceeds to the attribution of the social responsibilities of the other members of the Directive Council.

The members of the Board of Directors cannot hold similar positions in other companies or amateur sports associations within the same National Sports Federation or Associated Discipline if recognized by CONI, or within the scope of the same discipline headed by a Sports Promotion Agency.

The Board of Directors meets whenever the President deems it necessary, or when requested by at least two Directors.

It is the duty of the Board of Directors to decide on the applications for admission of the members, to draw up the final balance sheet to be submitted for the approval of the assembly, to draw up any internal regulations relating to the social activities, to fix the dates of the ordinary meetings to be called at least once year and convene the extraordinary assembly if it is deemed necessary or is requested by the associates.

The Board of Directors may adopt the suspension or cancellation measures against the associates, should they become necessary and will have to implement the decisions taken by the assembly and implement the purposes set forth in this Statute.

Art. 9 The President

The President is the legal representative of the Association and represents it in external relations, personally or through his delegates, convenes and presides over the assemblies and takes care of the resolutions.

Entering the acts inherent to the association activity, in case of impediment or prolonged absence of the President, he will be replaced by the Vice President who will take his place.

If the President resigns, the outgoing President is required to give regular organizational, financial and patrimonial deliveries to the new President within 20 days of the election of these and the description of the deliveries must be shown in a specific report.

Art. 10 Minutes of proceedings

Of all the meetings of the assembly and of the Presidency, a special report must be drawn up which must be transcribed in the books in charge of such use.

Art. 11 Report

The Board of Directors draws up the financial statement of the association, both preventive and final, to be submitted to the approval of the assembly. The final statement must contain information relating to the financial situation of the association, with a separate indication of any commercial activity, including through a separate accompanying report, while the budget statement must show the forecasts of the financial situation that the association will support.

The statement must be drawn up clearly, in compliance with the principle of transparency and must represent truthfully and correctly the balance sheet and financial situation of the association.

A copy of the report must be made available to all members who request it.

Art. 12 Financial year

The fiscal year and the financial year begin on October 1st and end on September 30th of each year.

Art. 13 Assets

The patrimony of the Association is constituted by the contributions of the associates, by the membership fees and by all the movable and immovable property received for any title or cause. The associates, in case of withdrawal, will never be able to request the division of the common fund.

Any profits and / or operating surpluses must necessarily be reinvested for the association's institutional activities and it is forbidden to distribute even indirectly profits or operating surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital during the life of the association, unless the destination and distribution are not imposed by law;

The assets of the Association must be inventoried.

Art. 14 Dissolution of the Association

The dissolution of the Association is deliberated by the general assembly of the associates, convened in extraordinary session, with the approval, both in first and in second convocation, of at least 3/5 of the associates expressing the only personal vote, with exclusion of the delegations.

The assembly, at the time of dissolution of the association, will decide on the destination of any residual assets of the assets of the association that will have to take place in favor of another association that pursues similar purposes or for purposes of public utility, unless otherwise destination imposed by law.

The Shareholders' Meeting will appoint a liquidator who will be required to carry out all the duties required by law in the matter

Art. 15 Arbitration clauses

For all that is not indicated in this Statute reference will be made to the provisions of the CONI or to the regulations of the Civil Code.             

09 Settembre 2002

updated: 29 September 2016

(translated by google)
Tai Ji Quan
Col non fare di sé il centro, raggiunge la perfezione.
a. s. d.
Tajiquan Samsara
Via Arduino 51
10134 Torino- Italy

updated to
17 nov 2021
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