UniTo 2 nov 2016 - Taijiquan

la ruota del dharma
Tai Ji Quan
Tai Ji Quan
Tai Ji Quan
Tai Ji Quan
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UniTo 2 nov 2016

Class > Notes
brief introduction of Taijiquan for students of University of Turin
(from a series of meetings at UniTo)*

- I -

There are many ways to present Taijiquan due to different level of understanding. Example: like a dance coreography or like a soft gym.

The best level of understanding is follow the istuctions of a qualified master. We are nobody to change anything in the art.

Taijiquan is part of Classic Chinese Martial Arts.

"Classic" stands for the phisical discipline of Mind and Energy.

"Classic" also referres that in process of study 50% is body work and 50% is Ethic.

Taijiquan is a trinity of three arts: Healing, Meditation and Self defence.  

Regarding body work in Taijiquan we have some pillars or columns:

Standing stance, or tree pose or position of the pole

Taolu, the sequence of movements

Tui Shou, or Push Hands, working with a partner to enhance the sensivity

San Shou, sparring form

Zou Chan, sitting stance

For advanced study we have also weapons (sword, halberd), qigong, neigong.

Standing stance

Traditionally the "Tree Pose" study would take from three to ten years before switching to the motion sequence study. This underscores the importance of study of this posture. If your posture is correct the body's energy flows freely. The heavy energies fall down, more subtle ones flow towards the high. It is considered that an energy block in the body, even if still not warned, may be the beginning of a future disease.

- II -

Standing stance, or tree pose

Focus on the importance of this practice for health.

If we do this practice in proper way the Energy flows freely. Remind that the Classic Chinese Martial Arts are a phisical discipline of Mind and Energy.

Generally we are not aware of this energy so we have some movements to increase it and "to recharge the batteries".

The 13 Postures

There are many sequences of movements (Taolu) pertaining to different Styles of Taijiquan. All them are elaboration, of several Masters, of the original sequence attributed to the legendary Taoist Master Chang-San-Feng. This sequence has its origin from the thirteen postures corresponding to the five fundamental steps: step foward, step backward, look right, look left, center and to the eight "trigammi" of the Yi-Jing: ward off, rollback, press, push, pull down, split, elbow strike, shoulder strike.

notes of 04 nov 2016

- III –

The 13 Postures is the foundation of Tai Chi Chuan. Without the 13 Postures there is neither the form nor the push-hands.
These 13 postures were derived from the Eight Trigrams (the first 8 postures - energies) and the Five Elements (the last 5 postures steps).
The 13 postures are:

1. Peng (ward-off)
2. Lu (roll-back)
3. Chi (press)
4. An (push)
5. Tsai (pull-down)
6. Lieh (split)
7. Chou (elbow strike)
8. Kao (shoulder strike)
9. Chin (advance)
10. Tui (retreat)
11. Ku (look left)
12. Pan (look right)
13. Ting (center)

Remember a key point in the Classics of Tai Chi Chuan: "when one part moves, all  the parts move; when one part stops all the parts stops."

notes of 08 nov 2016

* Department of Economic and Social Sciences,
Mathematics and Statistics
State University of
Vincenzo Mario Bruno GIORGINO PhD
Tai Ji Quan
Col non fare di sé il centro, raggiunge la perfezione.
a. s. d.
Tajiquan Samsara
Via Arduino 51
10134 Torino- Italy

updated to
17 nov 2021
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